Getting Your Vietnam Visa In Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Vietnam Visa In Phnom Penh

We must say this is by far the easiest visa we have got yet.

Unfortunately the best way to do this visa is through an agency. Do not do this visa yourself in Phnom Penh. Unlike getting a Myanmar visa or Cambodian visa, we have read blogs and met people who tried to do this themselves and had an absolute nightmare. They also charge you more for doing it independently instead of using an agent. Normally we hate not doing things for ourselves, but this is the best way in Phnom Penh.

Cambodia is also the cheapest country in South East Asia to get your Vietnam visa.

Do shop around to different agencies as the price might differ.

The Mad Monkey Hostel

We went through The Mad Monkey Hostel. We were staying there so it was very convenient for us. When it came to trusting someone to hand our passports over, the staff at the Mad Monkey Hostel were our first pick.

Vietnam Visa In Phnom Penh Mad Monkey Hostel

Address: Number 26, Street 302, Phnom Penh
Telephone: +855 23 987 091
Email: phnompenh @

Book your accommodation at the Mad Monkey Hostel.

For a 3 month single entry visa the cost was $100 US each. For a 1 month single entry visa the price was $70 US, for 2 day processing. If you are in Siem Reap, Kampot or Phnom Penh and are running out of time, The Mad Monkey Hostel will do your visa for you and have it bought back to The Mad Monkey Hostel of your choice. This way you can continue your travels and have your passport waiting for you down the track ready with your Vietnam visa. Saves time and hassle! They are very professional with your passport and know how important it is to you.

They required NO passport photos, forms to be filled out or any other documentation. Just the date you wish to enter Vietnam (as this is stamped on your visa) and the US dollars in cash.

Lucky! Lucky! Motorcycle Shop

Another option that came highly recommended to us is the Lucky! Lucky! Motorcycle Shop.

Address: No. 413 Eo, Preah Monivong (St. 93), 12258 Phnom Penh, Preah Monivong Blvd
Telephone: +855 23 220 988
Email: luckymotorcyclerental @

We have never used these guys, but have heard they are good from other travellers and expats. These were their prices they quoted over the phone, but they are subject to change.

For 2-day processing, we were quoted:

1 month single entry visa: $60
1 month multiple entry visa: $85
3 month single entry visa: $95
3 month multiple entry visa: $130

They can have your visa ready in just one hour for an additional $13.

Lucky! Lucky! Motorcycle Shop also does not need much from you. Just your passport, payment, your dates of entry and sometimes a single passport photo. They will do the rest. You just need to pick up your passport in a day or two, depending on what your require.

These are the two companies that came highly recommended to us and who we would confidently suggest to other travellers. We can only personally comment on the service from the Mad Monkey Hostel, but it was top notch.

Vietnam Visa In Phnom Penh, Cambodia Waterfall
What’s waiting for you in Vietnam – Your own private waterfalls!

Getting Your Vietnam Visa Independently


One of our great readers, Suzanne, has written to us informing of her recent experience (mid-October, 2014). She told us she visited the Phnom Penh embassy and completed the visa application herself. A 3 month, single entry visa cost $80 US, and was ready within an hour and a half. She may have gotten lucky, but perhaps things are changing in at the Vietnam embassy in Phnom Penh. Thanks so much for passing this information on to us, Suzanne.

Sihanoukville is the cheapest place to do the visa, but only marginally. Long gone are the days when a Vietnam visa would cost $30 in Sihanoukville. Now it is almost the same as Phnom Penh and Battambang.

If you absolutely must try and do the visa yourself, here are the addresses of the embassies:

Vietnam Embassy in Phnom Penh

Address: 436 Preah Monivong Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phone:+855 23 726 274

Vietnam Embassy in Sihanoukville

Address: Ekareach St, Krong Preah Sihanouk, Cambodia
Phone: +855 3493 4039


Vietnam Embassy In Battambang

Address: Road Number 3, Battambang, Cambodia
Phone: +855 536 888 867
Picture of Alesha and Jarryd

Alesha and Jarryd

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24 thoughts on “Getting Your Vietnam Visa In Phnom Penh, Cambodia”

  1. Can i get visa in Seam Reap?

  2. Just wanted to give an update as well as I read your post before I went to the embassy. It’s so easy to do your visa at the Embassy. I showed up around 3:45 this afternoon, filled out a visa application, brought a passport photo, and my passport. I paid $40 for a 30 day single entry visa. You can get multiple entry, 90 day single entry, and 90 day multiple entry for higher fees. I can go back tomorrow afternoon to pick it up. I’m American if that matters. That’s all I needed, no appointment and no other paperwork. By far the easiest visa experience I’ve had, I was in and out in 15. Also you can pay $10 to have it processed it an hour. I saw the guys in front of me do it.

  3. Greetings! Thanks everyone for the great information. I just want to clarify that people are going to the embassy in PP without the pre-approval and getting a visa correct? Does this mean the pre-approval is for flying in? Thank you!

  4. I would also like to add to Suzanne’s experience: I just got my visa for Vietnam today (18/12/2015) and I went yesterday to the embassy, paid 40$ and handed over a passport photo – I was in and out in 15 minutes with no hassle – and I just got mine back there in just over 24 hrs. I think for an extra 10$ you can get an express one hour service. It was super easy and cheap.

  5. Hi! I plan to get my visa (DN, 3 months multiple entry) at the embassy tomorrow at PP. I come with a visa letter from my school. I was told by HR that 3 months multiple entry is 95$. Now I’m not quite sure. haha.

    • Hi Mae,

      Did you bring a passport photo or is it required to attach in your application for the visa?

      Hope you can advise.


  6. Things are apparently a LOT easier now.

    I just got a new Vietnam visa on 27 Nov at the VN embassy in PP. It was easy, painless, and only US$85 for a three-month, multiple entry visa (the most expensive option) and one-hour service. If you choose to get it the next day, it’s only $75. It was their first day open after a three-day holiday and I was amazed that filling out the application took longer than standing in line. I was in/out in about 20 minutes.

    Later that day (I chose to sightsee instead of waiting around) I picked it up by simply presenting receipt. I was handed my passport with the new visa and out the door in less than two minutes.

    The only way it could be easier is if they came to my hotel… a five-minute walk away.

    • Hi John,

      Does the embassy require you a passport size photo to attach in the application? Or they have available photo machine to take you a photo? Hope you can share other documents needed also. Thanks.

  7. It seems that you were overcharged for the visa online, a lot. Normally, it costs $16 for 1 month single, $23 for 1 month multiple, $26 for 3 month single and $45 for 3 month multiple. If you pay $85, the visa can be issued in one hour.

    • Hi Kim, we did not get the online pre-approval visa, as we weren’t flying into Vietnam. We picked up the proper 3 month visa.

      • Thanks very much for your clarification. It’s my fault for not reading your whole post carefully. I paid attention too much about the price. 🙂

        • No problem 🙂

        • Even while the VOA seems cheaper, you are still subject to stamping fee which ups the ante to about the same price as picking up your visa @ the embassy.
          Atleast this is what I’ve understood so far for digging through websites for the last 2 hours.

          • I’ve done it both ways and VOA is within a few $ of the cost of getting one through the VN Consulate in San Francisco–until you add in the FedEx costs each way that are necessary if you aren’t in SF. Then it’s worth waiting 30 minutes or so on-arrival at the airport.

  8. Thanks so much for posting this helpful info. Was dreading having to wait 4-5 days in PP for Thai visa, happy to see I can get it in an hour! How on earth?! The guys at Lucky Lucky must have their own printing press at the back ehehe
    Thanks again 😉

    • It’s amazing what a few extra dollars can do to grease the wheels 😉

  9. is the second $13 here wrong? From your post above:

    3 month single entry visa: $95
    3 month multiple entry visa: $13

    • Indeed it was wrong mate, meant to be $130. Thanks so much for the correction 🙂

  10. Amazing post Mad Monkey Hostel need to know more about the actual cost. I will fly from Netherlands need a quick visa through your service.

    • Costs are on the post I believe Tereza. Make sure you stop in and see the great crew from Mad Monkey Hostel, they will sort you out 🙂

  11. Thanks so much guys, very helpful! Just realized I needed a visa and since the embassy in Bangkok is closed due to New Years, I was a bit worried I would have to turn all my plans around. But this sounds great! 🙂 I’ll definitely try the Monkey Hostel Service! Hester

    • No worries at all, Hester. Glad to hear you realised before it was too late! Let us know how you go with our friends at the Mad Monkey Hostels. See you when you get to Vietnam 😉

  12. Hey guys! Here’s a travelling follower from the Netherlands! Still loving all of your great stories! Just wanted to let you know that we went to Phnom Phen last week to do a visa run. We went straight to the Vietnam Embassy ourselves, to get a B3 (3months, single entry) and it only costed us $80,- each! Had to wait for only half an hour before we could walk out with our new visa, so very easy and quick… There were a few other tourists there as well for a regular (1 month) visa and it was the same easy procedure for them too.
    Maybe we were lucky, but no horror stories here at all! 🙂 Easy, fast and apparently even cheaper?

    • Hi Suzanne,

      Thanks so much for the information! We’ll add this into our post. Amazing how quickly things can change. Appreciate you letting us, and our readers, know.

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