Ben Devitt

Picture of Ben Devitt

Ben Devitt

When I find a few bucks in my pocket there always seems to be some magical place that wriggles its way into my consciousness and haunts me until I go. I’ve worked at golf courses and ski towns, factories and farms, restaurants, resorts, hotels, galleys, pubs, clubs, bungee sites and bars. Generally there is a plan but I’ve got a habit of just turning up with minimal preparation and taking my sweet time to smell the roses along the way. I was once told I take an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes. So I’m going to take a few photos, hike some trails, eat the good food, drink beer with the locals and tell you some crazy stories. Hopefully you’ll be inspired to come and join me or invite me on an adventure of your own. Check out my blog, Elephant's Atlas.