Complete the 2020 NOMADasaurus Readers’ Survey, and You Could Win $100!

When we first launched NOMADasaurus back in October 2013, the only people who read our random musings were friends and family.

That didn’t matter to us though. We were just excited to have a platform to publish stories, regardless of who actually read them.

A few months later we hit the road to start our most ambitious travel project yet, travelling from Thailand to South Africa without flying.

Over the coming year we worked hard on the website, writing about our experiences as we bought motorbikes, visited remote villages, crossed hard-to-navigate borders and moved slowly across Asia.

Somewhere along the way, random people who weren’t friends or family found our blog and started following our journey.

Time went on, and even more people started reading NOMADasaurus. We kept telling stories and writing destination guides to help other travellers, and as we learnt more about SEO and marketing, the site reached a larger audience.

Eventually enough people were reading it that we managed to turn the blog into a business that funded our travels, and our content started to change to reflect that shift in our lives.

The business went from strength to strength, and we’ve shared the journey of its evolution before in case you’d like to read more about it.

Us Singapore
In Singapore at the start of our NOMADasaurus journey.

And what a journey it’s been.

Last year 4 million people visited That’s a number that boggles our minds.

Even though there are a lot more readers than just friends and family these days, telling stories is still at the heart of what we do.

However, it’s no longer just Alesha and I writing these stories anymore. We have a great team of travel writers producing fantastic destination guides, and without them, we couldn’t be producing as much content as the site does.

We’re also no longer budget backpackers trying to travel across the world without flying. After more than 12 years on the road, we’re older, wiser (debatably), and have a business to run while managing our incurable wanderlust.

That being said, we never want to lose sight of who we are as people and the kinds of stories we want to share.

That’s why every year we turn to you guys, our amazing readers and followers, to find out more about who you are, and to help give us direction in what content to produce!

We do this by running readers’ surveys, asking a few questions that allow us to get to know you better.

Where you’re from, what kind of travel you like to do, your favourite destinations, how often you travel, those kinds of things.

In these surveys we also ask you what you want to see more, and less, of on NOMADasaurus.

This has always been one of our favourite activities to do as part of our planning, and it honestly gives us so much insight towards what we should be putting our energy towards.

For example, a few years ago we found out that quite a few readers were interested in learning how to make money while travelling. So we created a few posts about that exact topic.

We have also found out that as the years have gone by, the majority of our readers have shifted from being backpackers towards more flashpackers and people interested in spending their money on experiences rather than trying to save every penny.

Because of that, we eased up on the tight budget travel tips we were producing.

Us Isle of Pines
Hanging out in the Isle of Pines. A lot has changed since the blog launched, but we still love life and love travelling!

With all the uncertainty in the world right now, we are turning to you guys again with our 2020 NOMADasaurus readers’ survey!

We have so many different ideas running through our head on what content we want to produce, but the ultimate goal of this website is to help you, the reader!

That’s why we’re asking you to please take 5 minutes out of your day complete the survey, and help us know what you want to see us create.

We’re going to be using this information to design our content strategy for 2020, and beyond. Perhaps we’ll start creating more YouTube videos, or write more photography tips.

Maybe we’ll end up focusing on sustainable tourism, or start exploring more off-the-beaten-path destinations so you guys can follow in our footsteps.

You guys have a say in the future of this brand!

Complete the Survey, and You Could Win $100

We know your time is important, and that you are doing us a huge favour by completing this.

That’s why as an incentive, we’re offering one lucky reader $100 just by filling out the survey!

At the end of March, we’ll use a random number generator to select someone from the list, and we’ll then send that person $100 via PayPal.

Whether you’ve been with us since the beginning, are brand new to the site, or have been reading for a while, we just want to say thank you so much for sticking with us!

We hope you’ve found some useful information or inspiration in the archives, and it is our goal to keep bringing you the best content possible as the years go by.

Thank you again, and happy travels.

Picture of Alesha and Jarryd

Alesha and Jarryd

Hey! We are Alesha and Jarryd, the award-winning writers and professional photographers behind this blog. We have been travelling the world together since 2008, with a passion for adventure travel and sustainable tourism. Through our stories and images we promote exciting off-the-beaten-path destinations and fascinating cultures as we go. As one of the world's leading travel journalists, our content and adventures have been featured by National Geographic, Lonely Planet, CNN, BBC, Forbes, Business Insider, Washington Post, Yahoo!, BuzzFeed, Channel 7, Channel 10, ABC, The Guardian, and plenty other publications. Follow our journey in real time on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

Hi, We’re Alesha and Jarryd!

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We’ve been traveling the world together since 2008, searching for the planet’s best destinations and adventures.

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